What Rheumatologists Do with Your Illness?

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From time to time, we all have general musculoskeletal pains lasting just a few days. However, if you have serious and constant pain in your joints, muscles, arms, back and bones for more than a few days, see the doctor. Early-stage rheumatic disorders are hard to recognize and you will encounter daily symptoms related to much more severe conditions.

You know that the right diagnosis must be found as fast as possible, to start an appropriate treatment, because many of these disorders are best adapted to treatment in the early days. Rheumatologists are your experts in this field and are trained to assess all your disease symptoms to diagnose and treat your illness.

Many rheumatic disorders change, so you may need to visit the doctor more than once before your rheumatologist is definite about your diagnoses. The diagnostic process usually includes a full medical history, physical exams and blood tests and x-rays if indicated.

Who Is a Rheumatologist?

Rheumatologists are experts in the complex diagnosis and treatment of rheumatism, arthritis and many others. Their strong foundation in internal medicine prepares them to be specialists in the management of generalized and localized pain while also considering other conditions. They treat the patients with pain and disorders of the joints.

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When Do You Need to Consult a Rheumatologist?

Arthritis or a Rheumatic Disease Have Been Diagnosed

There are more than 100 types of arthritis and many of these conditions are treated by rheumatologists. Examples of diseases that a rheumatologist may treat include rheumatoid arthritis (AR), osteospholipid syndrome (OA), systemsic lupus erythematosus (SLE), vasculitis, sjogren syndrome (GOS) and temporal arteritis (or giant cell arteritis). Many other rare disorders are also taken care of.

Joint Pain and/or Swelling

The first symptoms of rheumatic disease can be joint pain and swelling. We recognize that our patients are better supported by early diagnosis and treatment of arthritis. Consider planning an appointment with a rheumatologist for an assessment if you suffer from joint symptoms.

You Were Told That You Had Some Irregular Blood Test Results

Induce primary care doctors to prescribe a blood test to show the existence of rheumatic diseases by any signs or complaints. Examples include: antinuclear (ANA), rheumatoid (RF) and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). In order to decide whether your diseases could signify a fundamental disorder, consider visiting a rheumatologist if you have tested positive for one of these tests.

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Book your appointment with Oklahoma Pain Treatment in OKC for experienced rheumatologist.

**Disclaimer: This blog post does not establish terms of a doctor-patient relationship and is not intended to be taken as a doctor's advice.