Have A Herniated Disk? Top 4 Exercises To Reduce Back Pain

According to research, eight out of 10 people experience neck and back pain at least once in their lifetime. The reasons can be anything - from poor lifestyle choices to bad posture and lack of exercise; various factors contribute to this situation. People with herniated disk problems cannot continue all types of work and these complications disrupt their quality of life.

A herniated disk is one of the most common reasons behind back pain. If you have experienced such a problem for quite some time, contact a specialist for herniated disk treatment. Also, we have shared a few exercises to help you cope with pain a little bit. Read to learn more.

What Is A Herniated Disk?

There are a few bones that form the spine and these are called vertebrae. Several round-shaped disks cushion these bones and protect them from external harmful effects. These disks mainly act as shock absorbers and have an outer layer called an annulus that surrounds the nucleus. But when a disk becomes herniated, it pushes out of the annulus.

What Are The Typical Herniated Disk Symptoms?

  • You may experience pain in your arm, buttocks, thigh, calf and leg.

  • May experience tingling and numbness sensation in the body parts.

  • Weakness in muscles.

Are Exercises A Good Herniated Disk Treatment Solution?

Yes, they are. Regular exercises that specialists for herniated disk treatment recommendations will help you cope with the pain and reduce the symptoms. However, there is no alternative to seeing a pain specialist who can accelerate the healing process. The most effective activities are,

  • Lumbar Extension In Standing Position

First, stand up straight on your feet. After that, you must put your hands on your hips. Now, try to push your hips forward to extend the lower back. Then, hold in that situation for two to three seconds. Now, repeat this exercise at least ten times. Contact a specialist for herniated disk treatment if you have severe back pain.

  • Prone Press Up

First, you must lie down on the floor. Then, put a pillow or towel under your hips and abdominal areas. Now, you must bend the elbow joints to ensure your hands are level on both sides.

After that, inhale and maintain the posture for five to 30 seconds. You can breathe during this period. Now, exhale and return to your starting point. Repeat this exercise three to five times to get the best results.

  • Prone On Elbows

This exercise is beneficial because it helps to realign your disks at the spine. Now, start the practice. In the beginning, you have to lie down on your abdomen. Next, you must place your hands on the floor near your shoulders. After that, raise your shoulders and back and hold the position for 30 seconds. You can repeat this exercise five to ten times.

  • Cobra Pose - Sounds Interesting?

Important Reminder: You should exercise prone on elbows before doing the cobra pose. It is the advanced level of the previous exercise.

First, lie on the floor and keep your hands near your chest. After that, raise both hands and hold the situation for 10 seconds. Now, you must lower your chest, head and shoulders. You can repeat it five to ten times.

Bye, Bye Pain!

Try these exercises if you experience pain in your lower back for a few days. Also, consult with a doctor to get a permanent herniated disk treatment. At Oklahoma Pain Treatment Centers, our pain management experts provide the best treatment according to your condition. Call us at (405) 751-0011 to know the services we offer and check our website to read testimonials.

**Disclaimer: These tips are not advised or suggested by doctors. The products that are promoted here are not FDA-CERTIFIED to treat, cure or prevent any disease.