Why Women Suffer from Osteoarthritis More Than Men?

The old woman who has a pain in a hip joint

Women get more joint pain, ache, and muscle stiffness caused by joint arthritis. Women aged between 50 to 60 years are more prone to get and develop osteoarthritis than men of the same age group. Women have 40% more risks of developing knee arthritis than men and 10% more chances of developing hip arthritis. Women get arthritis later than men but their pain score is severe than men. You must consult a pain physician when osteoarthritis is troubling you a lot.

Arthritis affects women more than men when it comes to the joints. Men tend to get more problems in hip joint and women get problems in their knees and hands. Women tendons need to move more because they go through childbirth. It makes the tendons more elastic and injury prone. Wider hip of women affect knees more because of the alignment and it makes women susceptible to different types of injuries.

Hormones have a crucial role also. Estrogen helps protect and heal inflammation; this is why younger women are less prone to osteoarthritis development than men. Researchers and pain physicians are working to find out how hormones play a role in arthritis risk.

Menstruation and joint laxity

An accelerated hormone level at the different menstrual stage can increase the joint laxity and it is often connected with the joint instability and injuries. Both of these can add to the risk of osteoarthritis development.

While considering the knee arthritis the connections of it with joint laxity and menstruation are well researched. Many believe that joint laxity fluctuation can make you understand why male athletes get less than two to eight times ACL or the anterior cruciate ligament. People who have a history of ACL injury are more prone to get osteoarthritis according to pain physicians.


Women have more increased risk of osteoarthritis development after their menopause. At this time women experience joint pain and it gets worsened with time. The menopausal time drops the estrogen level. This change is known for contributing bodily changes that make the osteoarthritis process run faster.

Experts are still researching the factors why women are more prone to this disease development after menopause. However, women can take steps to keep joint and bone health sound and healthier. Physical exercises, walking, land and pool exercises along with a good diet would help keep the muscles strong and lessen joint strain. If you are suffering from osteoarthritis or any kind of pain issues, see us today at Oklahoma Pain Treatment Centers.

**Disclaimer: This blog post does not establish terms of a doctor-patient relationship and is not intended to be taken as a doctor's advice