The Body or the Brain - Who Is the Main Culprit Behind Chronic Pain?

Generally, patients and doctors assume that pain is the outcome of an injury. For instance, if you suffer from lower back pain, then you may think that poor posture is responsible for this pain. But if the pain persists for a long time, then the healthcare provider may suggest doing an MRI to check what is the main problem in your lower back. Consequently, people seek medical attention including physical therapy that helps to strengthen the core or do surgery to solve the problem permanently.

A lot of studies say, more than 25 million people suffer from chronic pain in the United States. One of the most common types of chronic pain is the back pain. Approx. in 85% of cases, the doctors don’t find any physical reason behind the pain. The experts think that the brain of the patient changes after an injury. Visit a doctor to get treatment for a bulging disc in your neck if your pain has already become your everyday companion for more than 3 months at least.

Do the Medications Affect the Brain or the Particular Body Part?

Do you know that the doctors prescribed pain medications to reduce the ache actually work on your brain? There are various pain medicines such as muscle relaxants, anti-epileptics, opioids and antidepressants and all work on the brain to ease the pain. These types of anti-inflammatory medications affect the nervous system of our body including the brain.

Why Does the Brain Play with Us Like That?

Even after getting healed from a particular injury or illness, we still experience pain in that area. The pain persists because of our brain. When we get injured, our brain provides a warning signal so that we restrict movement and let the body recover. But most of the time, the brain continues to send that signal even after we recover from the injury or illness, the result can be chronic pain.

The doctors have explored a type of treatment which is known as pain reprocessing therapy. It helps the brain to stop the warning signals. This treatment teaches the patients to comprehend the pain signals sent to the brain as less threatening. The therapies help the patient to do painful movements and also re-evaluate the sensations they experience at the same time. It also helps people to manage their own emotions that make their pain worse.

“The Cure for Pain is in the Pain”

Many people across the world suffer from chronic pain for several years. All they do is go for physical therapy and medications. But chronic pain is not only the matter of an injury, but the brain is also the main culprit here in most cases. If you want to ease your discomfort quickly, contact us at Oklahoma Pain Treatment Centers.

**Disclaimer: These tips are not advised or suggested by doctors. The products that are promoted here are not FDA CERTIFIED to treat, cure or prevent any disease.