Slipped Herniated Disc: Symptoms And Treatments Options

Bulging disc is another age-related issue that mainly occurs in older people. Symptoms of this physical condition develop gradually. It is also referred to as a ruptured or protruding disk problem.

Various herniated disk treatment options range from short-term to long-term, aiming to reduce the pain as much as possible. This article explains what it is, the symptoms, the reasons contributing to this condition and the treatment options. Let's explore all of them step by step.

What Is A Bulging Disc?

Our spine has vertebrae containing spinal discs to perform as shock absorbers. Not only that, but it also restrains any damage to the spinal tissue and bone. Since the discs make our mobility easier, any movement from their normal position can result in pain and other discomforts.

But the issue does not arise overnight; it takes time. Consequently, the longer you take to get proper herniated disk treatment, the worse the symptoms will become.

What Are The Common Symptoms?

● Spasms in the back muscles

● Difficulty walking

● Back pain

● Sciatica

● Numbness and weakness in the leg

● Decreased bladder control

What Reasons Do Contribute To This Condition?

To identify the causes, the doctor may ask you several questions about your current lifestyle and physical activity. According to research, the most common reasons are:

● People who smoke and continue a sedentary lifestyle increase the risk of bulging discs.

● Sometimes, our back muscles are weakened compared to the rest of the other body muscles, leading to a sudden herniation issue

● The strain on the disc due to heavy lifting or injury can wear them down

● High daily activity

● Obesity

● Poor posture during sitting, sleep and standing

What Treatment Options Do You Have?

In general, doctors will recommend some over-the-counter medications to ease the pain and reduce inflammation. The herniated disk treatment option may vary based on your condition's severity. People who experience severe pain may be given steroid injections to get short-term relief.

The physician may also recommend exercise and physical therapy to strengthen the muscle and increase mobility. You may also continue general activities, including walking and yoga. In addition, wearing bracing is another good option to support the area for longer. Doctors try to control the situation by recommending medications, exercise and massage therapy. But if the condition doesn't improve, they may undergo invasive treatment.

Healing Hands

Generally, this medical condition can develop over a period. Though it mainly occurs in seniors, youth are nowadays also affected due to their lifestyle. However, when you experience symptoms that indicate you may have issues, contact our experts at Oklahoma Pain Treatment Centers.

**Disclaimer: These tips are not advised or suggested by doctors. The products that are promoted here are not FDA-CERTIFIED to treat, cure or prevent any disease.