Pain Management Doctors: Offers You a Life without Pain

Do you know that 1 in 5 people in the United States suffers from chronic pain? Yes, you heard it right; most studies do suggest that. Chronic pain has become very common, even among young adults, mainly because they lead stressful and unhealthy lives.

No worries, there are many pain management doctors present in Norman who do not just push pain pills but also provide other helpful options. Well, you should know there are two different types of pain management doctors available that can prescribe different restorative methods. If you are unsure what they do and how they can help you, keep scrolling!

Different Types of Pain Management Doctor

Before understanding which type of treatment might be right for you, decide which pain management doctors you should choose from. Here is a list of different kinds of doctors:

Medical Pain Management- As the name suggests, pain management doctors that prescribe medicines are called medical pain specialists. People who suffer from chronic pain go to such doctors, and they give them long-term medicines. It has been studied that pain medicines can be highly addictive. Some people could not stop taking medications even after their pain is gone. So, the medicine pain management specialist ensures that you are taking the right dosage of medicine for a specific amount of time.

Interventional Pain Management- This type of pain management doctor has higher knowledge about pain management. Not just one, but they have to complete a five-year anesthesiology residency which has to be followed by a one-year pain management fellowship. They are the ones that can perform nerve blocks and spine implants as they have a better grasp of such procedures.

Different Treatments Offered by Them

Now that you know about the two types of pain management doctors you can choose from, get to know about the treatments they offer. Here is a list of services they usually provide:

Injections- One of the most effective treatments most pain management doctors in Norman offer is pain injections. These can be pushed directly to those areas that initiate pain and can reduce it in no time. One example is the Epidural steroid injection that is given when a person has back pain. This reduces the inflammation but gives temporary relief only.

Pain Medicines- Pain management doctors provide pain medicines for acute and chronic pains. There are many over-the-counter medicines present that can help you get rid of the issue in a twinkle. It is crucial to consult a doctor before taking a pain medicine.

Nerve Block- Pain management doctors prescribe this if a person is suffering from chronic back pain. . The doctors use injections that have either anesthetic or anti-inflammatory drugs that target inflamed nerves. It helps the damaged nerve repair, reduces inflammation, and aids in turning off the pain signals. This also provides the nerve with proper healing time. This is only given if pain medicines have not worked for the patient.

Surgery- Pain management doctors do not recommend surgery unless there is no other option. This is the last resort where surgical implants are placed, which helps to reduce the pain permanently.

Radiofrequency Ablation: The pain management doctors use electric current to stop the pain signals. When the electric current reaches your nerve, it heats up and destroys that portion of the nerve tissue. This is very helpful, and the treatment lasts for almost 12 months.

Consult with a Specialist

If you are suffering from any pain, then you can contact Oklahoma Pain Treatment Centers. We have a group of pain management doctors that are board certified. We offer full-service pain management treatments, which doctors will recommend. You can call us to avail our treatment.

**Disclaimer: These tips are not advised or suggested by doctors. The products that are promoted here are not FDA-CERTIFIED to treat, cure or prevent any disease.