Interventional Or Non-Interventional Pain Treatment

According to the National Institutes of Health’s National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, almost 40 million adults sometimes suffer from pain. When it comes to chronic pain, approx. 25.3 million adults have suffered from this condition for more than three months (as per the 2012 data.) When they come to doctors, they often hear about interventional and non-interventional pain management.

Since so many treatment solutions are available in the medical field, it becomes difficult to choose suitable options. That’s why we have discussed the difference between these two pain management options so our readers can make an informed decision.

What Is Interventional Pain Management?

This treatment solution helps patients reduce the signs of chronic pain when other methods do nothing good. It prevents the nerves from sending pain signals to the brain for a particular period.

Remember that this pain management solution is only applied when chronic pain decreases the quality of life and the condition is not improved. There are various types of interventional pain management treatments available. Here are some of them.

  • Pain Pump

    doctors surgically implant this device into the patient’s body. The medical device helps to deliver pain management medication to the pain source directly.

  • Nerve Block

    Pain management specialists inject certain medications to prevent the signals and reduce inflammation.

  • Discography

    Doctors inject medicine into multiple spinal discs to decide whether they are the root cause of chronic pain. The discs are visible on an X-ray film and a fluoroscope monitor.

What Is Non-Interventional Pain Management?

This pain management treatment is helpful at the beginning stage of chronic pain. Patients undergo these methods to reduce pain and inflammation before opting for medication or surgery.

Remember that non-interventional pain treatment does not work on everybody. Therefore, when you notice that these treatments are ineffective for your condition, visit a doctor to start interventional therapy.

Types Of Non-Interventional Treatments

This treatment type undergoes categorization into pharmacological medicines (over-the-counter and prescribed) and non-drug. Doctors sometimes use muscle relaxants, anti-inflammatory drugs and corticosteroids to reduce the pain.

Non-Drug Pain Management Treatment

  • Chiropractic Procedure

Pain specialists apply some particular hands-on techniques to make minimal adjustments to your body, especially the musculoskeletal system, including bones, tendons, joints and muscles, to reduce pain.

  • Exercise

Doing physical exercises produce endorphins naturally and enhance flexibility and strength to prevent pain signals. Physical activity reduces pain and increases the mobility rate of patients with arthritis and fibromyalgia.

  • Music Therapy

There is also a widespread belief that music therapy or listening to music helps to reduce inflammation and pain to a certain point and makes you feel good. Though this field requires much more research to prove itself effectively, you can give it a try. Listening to your favorite music helps you release dopamine and can manipulate how you feel.

A Natural Way To Better Health

Various non-intervention treatments include acupuncture, cold and heat packs, biofeedback, deep breathing, diet, massage, yoga and occupational therapy. These pain management treatments help patients to reduce pain to a certain level.

However, if you or your loved ones suffer from chronic pain for months, visit us at Oklahoma Pain Treatment Centers in Norman. Call us at (405) 751-0011 to learn more about our services.

**Disclaimer: These tips are not advised or suggested by doctors. The products that are promoted here are not FDA-CERTIFIED to treat, cure or prevent any disease.