Herniated Disk Treatment: Causes, Symptoms And More

A herniated disc is a common condition that occurs when a spinal disk ruptures or bulges and pushes against the nerves in the spine. It causes pain, numbness, tingling and weakness in the affected area.

While herniated disks can occur in any part of the spine, they are most common in the lower back and neck. But the conditions can improve with proper herniated disk treatment.

What Is The Cause Of Herniated Disk?

Herniated disk disorders occur due to several factors, including age-related wear and tear, injury or trauma to the spine and a sedentary lifestyle. As we age, the spinal disks lose their elasticity and become more prone to rupturing or bulging. Additionally, injuries or trauma to the spine, such as a car accident or fall, can cause herniated disks. People with jobs requiring prolonged sitting, lifting heavy objects or participating in repetitive activities are also at a higher risk of developing herniated disks.

Which Symptoms Should You Identify?

The symptoms can vary depending on the location of the affected disk. Common symptoms of a herniated disk in the lower back include lower back pain, leg pain, numbness and tingling. A herniated disk in the neck can cause neck pain, arm pain, numbness and weakness. If you experience any of these symptoms, it is crucial to seek medical attention promptly.

What Is The Reason For Seeking Help From Professional Practitioners?

If you suspect you have a herniated disk, the first step is to schedule an appointment with a neurosurgeon or spine specialist. During your appointment, your doctor will perform a physical examination, review your medical history and order imaging tests, such as an MRI or CT scan to determine the possible herniated disk treatment.

What Is The Method Of Diagnosis?

Diagnosing a herniated disk typically involves a combination of physical examination and imaging tests. During the physical exam, your doctor will evaluate your reflexes, muscle strength and sensation in the affected area. They will also ask you to perform specific movements to assess your range of motion and level of pain. Imaging tests, such as an MRI or CT scan, can help confirm the diagnosis and provide information about the location and severity of the herniated disk.

What Types Of Treatment Are Available?

The herniated disk treatment depends on the location and severity of the condition. The doctor may recommend conservative treatments such as rest, physical therapy and medication in mild cases. However, if conservative treatments are ineffective, surgery may be necessary. Invasive spine surgery can significantly reduce recovery time and minimize postoperative pain.

Why Is Follow-Up Required Post-Surgery?

After surgery, following your doctor's postoperative instructions is vital. It includes restrictions on certain activities, such as heavy lifting or bending and a gradual return to normal activities. Following up with your doctor regularly after surgery can help ensure that you are healing correctly and that the treatment for potential complications is readily available.

Get The Best Healing Support

If you're experiencing herniated disk symptoms, don't suffer in silence. Contact Oklahoma Pain Treatment Centers today and schedule an appointment with one of our experienced neurosurgeons. Our experienced team can help you understand your treatment options and provide the care you need to alleviate your symptoms and improve your quality of life.

**Disclaimer: This blog post does not establish terms of a doctor-patient relationship and is not intended to be taken as a doctor's advice.