Few Exercise Tips to Reduce Sciatica Pain

Couple is exercising in park. Exercise for sciatica recovery

It is a popular myth that sciatica is a disease. But it is completely wrong. Sciatica is a symptom of the actual problem. When you experience inflammation in the sciatic nerve, it is called sciatica. You can notice pain from the lower back and into your leg. The pain affects one side of your body. One of the most common reasons behind it is bone spurs or herniated discs. It can press on the sciatic nerve. As a symptom, you can experience inflammation and irritation.

If you are suffering from sciatica pain for a while, then consult with a pain management specialist. Here, we have shared a few exercise ideas that can help you to get relief from this pain.

The Advantages of Exercise

You already know that doing exercise in this condition is a very tough job. But you have to continue the exercises to get rid of this issue. You can get various benefits from the exercise including,

  • You can nourish your spinal discs. You can also reduce pressure on your sciatic nerve roots.

  • Exercise can help you to improve the health of your muscles and joints.

  • Your muscles and spinal structures become strong after doing a lot of exercise.

Few Exercise Tips

  • You Should Apply Heat Before Exercise

You should apply heat for a minimum of 15 to 20 minutes before exercise. You can be able to ward off sciatic pain when you do so. The therapy also helps you to improve blood flow and muscle stiffness. It also increases flexibility. that allows you to continue the exercise easily.

  • You Can Treat Soreness After Exercise

If you notice post-workout soreness, then you can apply an ice pack after the workout. As the inflammation is reduced and discomfort is decreased, you may not experience pain.

  • Start Exercise Without Any Hesitation

If you have no habit of doing exercise regularly, then you should not pressurize yourself. In the beginning, start doing exercise for 5 to 10 minutes. After that, you can increase the time of doing exercise. Gradually, you can feel better after doing the pain management exercise for a while.

  • You Can Opt for Low Impact Exercise

You should not start exercising by mountain biking or jogging. It may affect your health in a negative way. At first, you can start easy sciatica exercises at home. If you want to go to the gym, you can use a stationary bike and an elliptical machine. You can simply walk surrounding your house. You can also join a water therapy class.

Want to Reduce Pain?

If you apply home remedies but cannot reduce sciatica pain, then contact Oklahoma Pain Treatment Centers in Weatherford. The pain management expert will help you to get rid of the problems by providing appropriate treatment.

**Disclaimer: This blog post does not establish terms of a doctor-patient relationship and is not intended to be taken as a doctor's advice.