Detecting the Causes of Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain has become very common in recent times. Most of the people suffering from this pain have developed it either through some injury in their muscle or tendon or have developed it through arthritis or disk injury, which is the most severe one. It can make your everyday life very difficult and can keep getting worse over time. It would be best if you immediately went to some pain treatment center to get treatment for a bulging disc in the lower back. The doctors might prescribe you some pain relief medication if it isn’t that serious, but some conditions can also require surgery. here we are going to describe how lower back pain can be diagnosed.

Much Needed Diagnosis for Back Pain

The only way you will get a proper diagnosis of your lower back pain is by going to a doctor. Different people will tell you other things about your problem, but not all will be right. Any misinformation or wrong treatment can lead to severe problems in the future. There are many ways a doctor might gain information about your pain. People of Oklahoma face a lot of difficulties with such misinformation. As Oklahomans are the worst sufferer from back pain, this information make them even more confused.

First, the doctor will examine your pain and how much it is affecting your everyday life. These assessments will explain where the pain is starting from and if you have any muscle spasms. If they realize that the bulging disc is causing your pain, then your doctor will order one or more tests and provide treatment for bulging disc in lower back accordingly.

Some Common Tests

  • X-ray

This shows your bone’s alignment, which will show whether you have broken bones, arthritis, bone

spur, or tumor.

  • CT Scan

This gives you a cross-sectioned image of your spine. When a CT scan is done, an X-ray is sent through your spine, which is then reformatted into a 3D image with the help of a computer. This helps the doctor to look at your spine from various angles. According to the severity of the disorder, the doctor will diagnose treatment for the bulging disc in the lower back.

  • MRI

MRI or Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scan is done to get a detailed image of your spine, eliminating the radiation used in X-ray. It can detect all the abnormalities with soft tissue, like ligaments and intervertebral disc. After confirming, the treatment for bulging disc in lower back might include pain relievers.

Treat the Pain As Soon As Possible

Lower back pain can get worse if not treated at the right time, so get help from Oklahoma Pain Treatment Centers to find out a path and get a permanent relief. You can call to schedule your appointment.

**Disclaimer: These tips are not advised or suggested by doctors. The products that are promoted here are not FDA CERTIFIED to treat, cure or prevent any disease.