3 Yoga Exercises to Relieve Lower Back Pain

Let us guess, working at a desk job for nearly eight hours leaves you barely fit to stand and you most likely experience intense pain in your lower back. Thankfully, you are not alone. In fact, according to the National Institutes of Health, approximately 80% of Americans experience lower back pain at some point in their life. But that does not mean you have to live with this problem for the rest of your life.

The human lower back is designed to support core movements and hold the spine upright. If it’s out of whack, not only your physical health but mental health will get impacted. Luckily, there are a lot of ways you can adopt to ease your back pain.

Yoga is one of the most popular ones. It acts as a slow but steady and near permanent cure. However, if you or your loved ones experience back pain for months and even yoga does nothing for relief, it is wise to contact an expert in Oklahoma City.

Today, we have shared a few of the most popular and effective yogic exercises that help alleviate back pain.

Cat-Cow Pose

Doing this backbend stretch every day helps you to mobilize the spine. It also stretches the shoulder, torso, and neck. This yoga pose mainly works on the triceps, erector spine muscles, gluteus maximus, rectus abdomen, and serratus anterior.

How to Do It?

First of all, stand on a yoga mat. Place your knees underneath your hips and wrists underneath the shoulders. Try to balance your weight between all four points. After that, inhale as you look up and let the stomach down toward the mat.

Next, you have to exhale as you tuck your chin down and arch your spine toward the ceiling. Don’t forget to focus on releasing the tension in your body. Repeat this movement for at least one minute.

Chair Pose

Start this pose in the mountain pose with your hip and feet wide apart. Then, bend the knees and lower yourself into a squatting position. Bring your thighs parallel to the ground. Next, you have to reach out in front of you and press your palms together. Hold this position for five to eight breaths.

Cobra Pose

This pose helps you to stretch your chest, abdomen, and shoulders. Practicing this pose regularly strengthens your spine and prevents sciatica. It also eases other symptoms like fatigue and stress which can accompany back pain.

How to Do This?

In the beginning, you have to lie down and place your hands under your shoulders. After that, try to draw your arms to your chest and push into your hands to lift your chest, head, and shoulders slowly. Depending on how comfortable you are, you can lift halfway or all the way. Try to maintain a slight bend in your elbows. Once done, drop your head back to deepen the pose.

A Path to a Happier, Better Life

There are a lot of yoga exercises that are very effective in reducing lower back pain. Doing yoga every day along with taking the right medications can help you to beat this lifestyle disease. To get proper medical attention call us at Oklahoma Pain Treatment Centers. You can also book a telephonic appointment with us at 405-751-0011 in Oklahoma City.

**Disclaimer: These tips are not advised or suggested by doctors. The products that are promoted here are not FDA CERTIFIED to treat, cure or prevent any disease.