3 Exercises You Can Do to Help with a Bulging Disc in the Neck

A bulging disc (not to be confused with a herniated disc) in the neck can cause a lot of pain and discomfort. However, physical therapy and exercise can help to relieve these symptoms. In fact, doctors even recognize physical therapy as an effective mode of treatment for a bulging disc in the neck. Treatment involves a combination of exercises and manual manipulation techniques. These exercises help to stretch and strengthen the muscles in the neck, which in turn help reduce the pressure on the disc.

In this blog, we are going to discuss 3 exercises that realign your cervical discs and relieve the pressure on the nerves. But before we begin, let us learn the difference between a building disc and a herniated disc.

How is a Bulging Disc Different from a Herniated Disc?

To the uninitiated, a bulging disc and a herniated disc appear to be the same, but there are significant differences between the two. A bulging disc occurs when the disc flattens and pushes past the vertebrae. A herniated disc, on the other hand, is when the disc’s outer ring (aka annulus fibrosus) is damaged. In a herniated disc, the nuclear gel (nucleus pulposus) seeps out the fracture. Bulging discs in the cervical spine is a bodily detriment that occurs with age. It is also more common than herniated discs.

3 Exercises to Obtain Relief from a Bulging Disc in the Neck?

#1 Shoulder Stretch

A bulging disc often causes postural abnormalities in the individual. Something as simple as a shoulder stretch can help better your posture and potentially bring relief to the pain and pressure in the cervical region.

Begin by bringing your hands behind your back and interlock your fingers. Slowly lift your hands and keep going until you feel a taut stretch at the frontal part of your shoulders. Hold for a good 10-15 seconds and gradually go back to the starting position. Repeat a couple of times.

#2 Chin Tucks

Chin tucks target the upper cervical region, just beneath your skull. Perform these tucks in front of a mirror to ensure that you are holding proper posture during the exercise. Stand straight, with your shoulders pulled back. Gently bow your head until you feel a slight pull in the neck. If you feel comfortable with a deeper stretch, bow your head a little more. Hold each stretch for about 2 seconds. Repeat twice in sets of five.

#3 Shoulder Blade Squeeze

This exercise, namely the shoulder blade squeeze, helps to relax the muscles of the lower neck. Assume a wide-legged stance with your feet going hip-width apart. Keep your back straight, let your arms hang at your sides, and tuck in your chin just the littlest bit. Then, pull your shoulder back until your blades are almost touching. You should be feeling a mild to moderate pull. Hold the position for 10 seconds and release. Repeat thrice. Remember that the shoulder blade squeeze shouldn’t be causing you any kind of pain. If it begins to hurt, loosen your stretch a bit.

Live Pain-Free with Oklahoma Pain Treatment Centers

Oklahoma Pain Treatment Centers is one of the most reputed pain clinics in Oklahoma. Our multi-disciplinary approach to pain has rendered us capable of curing many complex cases. To avail of quality treatment for a bulging disc in the neck, schedule an appointment with us at (405) 751-0011.

**Disclaimer: These tips are not advised or suggested by doctors. The products that are promoted here are not FDA CERTIFIED to treat, cure or prevent any disease.